Namespace FlaxEngine.Networking
Low-level network transport interface implementation based on ENet library. |
The low-level network channel type for message sending. |
High-level network client object (local or connected to the server). |
The high-level network client connection data. Can be used to accept/deny new connection. |
Bit mask for NetworkClient list (eg. to selectively send object replication). |
Low-level network configuration structure. Provides settings for the network driver and all internal components. |
Network connection structure - used to identify connected peers when we're listening. |
The high-level network connection state. |
The network transport driver statistics container. Contains information about INetworkDriver usage and performance. |
Network driver implementations enum. [Deprecated in v1.3] |
Network event structure that wraps all data needed to identify and process it. |
Network event type enum contains all possible events that can be returned by PopEvent function. |
Low-level network transport interface implementation that is proxy of another nested INetworkDriver implementation but with lag simulation feature. |
High-level networking manager for multiplayer games. |
NetworkManager.ClientConnectingDelegate The delegate for event ClientConnecting. |
The high-level network manage modes. |
Network message structure. Provides raw data writing and reading to the message buffer. |
The high-level network object role and authority. Used to define who owns the object and when it can be simulated or just replicated. |
Low-level network peer class. Provides server-client communication functions, message processing and sending. |
Network replication hierarchy node with 3D grid spatialization. Organizes static objects into chunks to improve performance in large worlds. |
Defines the network objects replication hierarchy (tree structure) that controls chunking and configuration of the game objects replication. Contains only 'owned' objects. It's used by the networking system only on a main thread. |
NetworkReplicationHierarchyObject Network replication hierarchy object data. |
NetworkReplicationHierarchyUpdateResult Network replication hierarchy output data to send. |
Base class for the network objects replication hierarchy nodes. Contains a list of objects. |
High-level networking replication system for game objects. |
NetworkReplicator.ExecuteRPCFunc Network RPC executing delegate. |
NetworkReplicator.SerializeFunc Network object replication serialization/deserialization delegate. |
Additional context parameters for Network RPC execution (eg. to identify who sends the data). |
Objects and values serialization stream for sending data over network. Uses memory buffer for both read and write operations. |
Actor script component that synchronizes the Transform over the network. |
NetworkTransform.ReplicationComponents Actor transform replication components (flags). |
NetworkTransform.ReplicationModes Actor transform replication modes. |
Basic interface for the low-level network transport/driver. |
Interface for objects for network replication to receive additional events. |
Interface for values and objects that can be serialized/deserialized for network replication. |