Class NavigationSettings
The navigation system settings container.
Namespace: FlaxEditor.Content.Settings
Assembly: FlaxEngine.CSharp.dll
public sealed class NavigationSettings : SettingsBase
The navigation system settings container.
public sealed class NavigationSettings : SettingsBase
If checked, enables automatic navmesh actors spawning on a scenes that are using it during navigation building.
[EditorDisplay("Navigation", null)]
public bool AutoAddMissingNavMeshes
If checked, enables automatic navmesh actors removing from a scenes that are not using it during navigation building.
[EditorDisplay("Navigation", null)]
public bool AutoRemoveMissingNavMeshes
The height of a grid cell in the navigation mesh building steps using heightfields. A lower number means higher precision on the vertical axis but longer build times.
[Limit(1F, 400F, 1F)]
[EditorDisplay("Nav Mesh Options", null)]
public float CellHeight
The width/height of a grid cell in the navigation mesh building steps using heightfields. A lower number means higher precision on the horizontal axes but longer build times.
[Limit(1F, 400F, 1F)]
[EditorDisplay("Nav Mesh Options", null)]
public float CellSize
The sampling distance to use when generating the detail mesh.
[Limit(1F, 3.40282347E+38F, 1F)]
[EditorDisplay("Nav Mesh Options", "Detail Sampling Distance")]
public float DetailSamplingDist
The maximum distance the detail mesh surface should deviate from heightfield data.
[Limit(0F, 3F, 1F)]
[EditorDisplay("Nav Mesh Options", null)]
public float MaxDetailSamplingError
The maximum distance a simplified contour's border edges should deviate from the original raw contour.
[Limit(0.1F, 4F, 1F)]
[EditorDisplay("Nav Mesh Options", null)]
public float MaxEdgeError
The maximum allowed length for contour edges along the border of the mesh.
[Limit(100F, 3.40282347E+38F, 1F)]
[EditorDisplay("Nav Mesh Options", "Max Edge Length")]
public float MaxEdgeLen
Any regions with a span count smaller than this value will, if possible, be merged with larger regions.
[Limit(0F, 100F, 1F)]
[EditorDisplay("Nav Mesh Options", null)]
public int MergeRegionArea
The minimum number of cells allowed to form isolated island areas.
[Limit(0F, 100F, 1F)]
[EditorDisplay("Nav Mesh Options", null)]
public int MinRegionArea
The configuration for nav areas.
[EditorDisplay("Areas", "__inline__")]
public NavAreaProperties[] NavAreas
The configuration for navmeshes.
[EditorDisplay("Agents", "__inline__")]
public NavMeshProperties[] NavMeshes
Tile size used for Navigation mesh tiles, the final size of a tile is CellSize*TileSize.
[Limit(8F, 4096F, 1F)]
[EditorDisplay("Nav Mesh Options", null)]
public int TileSize