String Formatting for C++ in Flax
Flax uses fmt lib to format strings. The formatting syntax is similar to the one in C# and is considered as easy to use and quite extensible. The same formatting style can be used also in LOG
macro to print formatted messages.
Format strings contain replacement fields
surrounded by curly braces {}
. Anything that is not contained in braces is considered literal text, which is copied unchanged to the output. If you need to include a brace character in the literal text, it can be escaped by doubling: {{
and }}
To learn more see the reference: fmt syntax.
Example usage of String::Format
that provides string formatting. Macro LOG_STR
prints the String directly to the Output Log.
auto str1 = String::Format(TEXT("a: {0}, b: {1}, a: {0}"), TEXT("a"), TEXT("b"));
LOG_STR(Info, str1);
auto str2 = String::Format(TEXT("1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}"), 1, 2, 3);
LOG_STR(Info, str2);
auto str3 = String::Format(TEXT("vector: {0}"), Vector3(1, 2, 3));
LOG_STR(Info, str3);
auto str4 = String::Format(TEXT("string: {0}"), this->ToString());
LOG_STR(Info, str4);
auto str5 = String::Format(TEXT("boolean: {0}"), true);
LOG_STR(Info, str5);
Custom Type Formatting
Here is an example how to implement automatic formatting for custom types:
// Custom structure
struct MyStruct
Vector2 Direction;
float Speed;
// Use helper define to declare printing for a custom structure
#include "Engine/Core/Formatting.h"
DEFINE_DEFAULT_FORMATTING(MyStruct, "Direction:{0} Speed:{1}", v.Direction, v.Speed);
// Print structure as string
MyStruct data = { Vector2(1, 2), 10.0f };
auto str1 = String::Format(TEXT("{0}"), data);
LOG_STR(Info, str1);
Named Arguments
String format text can can contain ordered arguments such as {0}
, {1}
, {2}
, {}
, etc. but also named arguments like {PlayerName}
, {Currency}
, etc. This can be implemented by using fmt::arg(argName, argValue)
passed to the string format function.
String text1 = String::Format(TEXT("text: {0}, {1}"), TEXT("one"), TEXT("two"));
String text2 = String::Format(TEXT("text: {arg0}, {arg1}"), fmt::arg(TEXT("arg0"), TEXT("one")), fmt::arg(TEXT("arg1"), TEXT("two")));
ASSERT(text1 == text2);