Namespace FlaxEngine.Collections
Creates new structure array like, with fast front and back insertion. Every overflow of this buffer removes last item form other side of insertion |
CircularBuffer<T>.ItemAddedEventArgs Arguments for new item added event |
CircularBuffer<T>.ItemOverflownEventArgs Arguments for item being replaced because of buffer was overflown with data |
CircularBuffer<T>.ItemRemovedEventArgs Arguments for item removed event |
DictionaryEnumerator<TKey, TValue> The enumerator implementation for dictionary |
OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue> A dictionary object that allows rapid hash lookups using keys, but also maintains the key insertion order so that values can be retrieved by key index. |
IOrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue> Interface for a dictionary object that allows rapid hash lookups using keys, but also maintains the key insertion order so that values can be retrieved by key index. |