Namespace FlaxEditor.GUI
Popup that shows the list of actors to pick. Supports searching and basic type filtering. |
ActorSearchPopup.ActorItemView The actor item. |
ActorSearchPopup.IsValidDelegate Validates if the given actor item can be used to pick it. |
Popup that shows the list of assets to pick. Supports searching and basic items filtering. |
AssetSearchPopup.AssetItemView The asset item. |
AssetSearchPopup.IsValidDelegate Validates if the given asset item can be used to pick it. |
The Bezier curve editor control. |
Popup that shows the list of content items to pick. Supports searching and basic items filtering. |
ContentSearchPopup.ContentItemView The content item. |
ContentSearchPopup.IsValidDelegate Validates if the given content item can be used to pick it. |
The generic curve editor control. |
The curve contents container control. |
The single keyframe control. |
The single keyframe tangent control. |
The custom combobox for enum editing. Supports some special cases for flag enums. |
EnumComboBox.BuildEntriesDelegate Custom extension delegate used to build enum element entries layout. |
The enum entry. |
The custom context menu that shows a list of items and supports searching by name and query results highlighting. |
The linear curve editor control. |
Menu strip with child buttons. |
A navigation bar control. Shows the current location path with UI buttons to navigate around. |
Editor control that allows user to select a platform icon. |
The custom context menu that shows a tree of prefab diff items. |
Popup menu useful for renaming objects via UI. Displays text box for renaming. |
Input value validation delegate. |
Single row control for Table. |
Popup that shows the list of scripts to pick. Supports searching and basic type filtering. |
ScriptSearchPopup.IsValidDelegate Validates if the given script item can be used to pick it. |
ScriptSearchPopup.ScriptItemView The script item. |
Status strip GUI control. |
Table control with columns and rows. |
Tool strip with child items. |
Toolstrip separator control. |
Popup that shows the list of types to pick. Supports searching and basic type filtering. |
TypeSearchPopup.IsValidDelegate Validates if the given actor item can be used to pick it. |
The type item. |
CurveEditor<T>.IAllKeyframesProxy Interface for keyframes editing proxy objects. |
CurveEditor<T>.IKeyframeAccess<U> The generic keyframe value accessor object for curve editor. |
Interface for context for collection of FlaxEditor.GUI.IKeyframesEditor. |